
8 Sept 2014

The Digit-al Dozen does The Terrific Twos!

Hello everyone! Today sees the start of another Digit-al Dozen week - this month we are celebrating the group's second anniversary with a massive giveaway (see my previous post the the details and to enter), so all the themes are related to twos or anniversaries. Today we're starting with things that come in pairs; so here are some sexy shoes!

I started with a base of LA Colors Lilac Frost and then painted in the shoe tips with Jessica Purple Burst and a little black acrylic paint. I added acrylic bows (and polka dots to the other two nails), then topped with Seche Vite to finish.

There'll be four more DD manis from me this week, until the next one lands be sure to check out all the manis from the other DD ladies :)

Sam xx


  1. These are adorable! Perfect with your nail shape!

  2. So gorgeous! I love this mani!

  3. oh my gosh! I want sexy shoes like that!

  4. These are so cute; nicer than any shoes I own!

  5. I love those bows!! I hope I have these kind of shoes

  6. So SO cute! The bows...dots...colors...everything about this is perfect!

  7. these are really clever and beautifully done x

  8. These are so clever! I love how they turned out
