
1 Jan 2014

What's happening with FingerFood in 2014?

Hello everyone! So, for those of you who read my 2013 round up post I promised another post to let you know a little bit about what I'll be up to in 2014.

There are lot of challenges on the cards again. Surprised? I guess not lol! Some I can tell you about - others you may have to wait a while ;)

Starting on the 5th January I will be starting some theme weeks (one mani a week) - for anyone who would like to join in here are the details:

Inlinkz will be available in the Facebook group and if you would like to be added to the Pinterest board then email me - it'd be great to have you all on board with me :)

Crumpet's Nail Tarts will be continuing along with the Tri Polish challenge. TPC is moving to posting every Tuesday and you can now use different polishes within the month as long as they follow the chosen colours - here are the details for the first few months of 2014:

We also have the all new GOT Polish challenge to post on Thursdays. A chance to use old polishes that are hidden away at the back of the shelf/drawer/helmer: 

I am also still part of the Nail Challenge Collaborative and our first theme for 2014 is "Inspired by a Tutorial", so I will get to try out some at least four new techniques to kick off the year :)

So, that should keep me out of trouble for a while! I am always looking for more challenges to take part in though, so please let me know of anything coming up and feel free to share on my FB wall. 

Apart from all that, I am starting 2014 with the shortest nails I've had in a year, so I intend to document my (undoubtedly painful!) journey to growing them back longer and stronger than ever!

I've also decided that I'm going to pick one colour a month and create some (I'm aiming at 4, but don't hold me to that!) designs using only shades of that one colour (along with basic black, white and silver). I'm hoping its going to stretch me a little and provide some new inspiration!

I would dearly love to get some guest posters on the blog in 2014 but I have absolutely no idea how to go about it, so that's something for me to look in to!

I am also planning to start doing some tutorials in 2014. On my Nail Art Gallery magazine gallery, I have had a lot of requests for tutorials, and I am going to start with the children's nail art. Scarlett and her friends will be roped in as nail models and I will be showing some simple (and seasonal) nail art designs for little fingers :)

I will be focusing a little more on my nail polish jewellery - I have been interviewed about it for a magazine article due to be published in March 2014 and I'm working on transferring some new intricate nail designs on to glass in the near future.

Under the banner of "If I have time", the blog is probably due a face lift - I haven't even looked at layout or design since I first set it up. I need to finish up a logo etc (you'd think someone who used to work as an artist/designer would have that covered, right?), and I seriously need to work on (and by work on, I mean start!) labelling and tagging my posts. 

I'd also love to find time to interact with everyone more, I read so many awesome blogs and FB pages and would love to get more involved. I seem to have got my painting/blogging schedule sorted for the most part, but I need to schedule in some time for everything that goes along with it. Plus, I've already started, but I intend to add in the odd swatch post every now and again :)

Last but not least, Instagram. I hate it, but I promise I'm going to try and be a little more consistent (and by that I mean, use it more than once every couple of months).

So, that's a list of my intentions for 2014 - I'm hoping that I can be back with you this time next year saying that I have done all of them, or at least most of them if I'm being realistic.

Thank you all again for making 2013 such an awesome year for me, and here's hoping for an even better 2014 :D

Sam xx


  1. so excited for your year to come xx

  2. Sounds like you're going to have a great year! I can't wait to see what you come up with for all your challenges! I'll be doing TPC and GOT too! (:

    1. Thanks Marisa! I'm really excited about this year on the blog :) I'll keep an eye out for your TPC and GOT manis - it'd be great to have you involved in the Theme Weeks too if you'd like to join us :D

    2. I'd love to be a part of Theme Weeks! (:
